Preventing Karhutla, TNI-Polri Members In Central Kalimantan On Alert
Illustration (Photo: Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash)

JAKARTA - A number of TNI-Polri members in Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) have been alerted to ensure that no land is burned or deliberately burned in the area. They will also move quickly in the event of a forest fire.

This was done as an effort to prevent forest fires that caused the haze disaster in 2015 to not repeat itself.

"Preparedness and preparedness have been carried out from an early age. Until now, land and forest fires have not occurred sporadically, although there were land fires in Sampit, they can be overcome." said the Head of Central Kalimantan Police Inspector General of Police. Dedi Prasetyo quoted from, Sunday, June 21.

Dedi said that the personnel and fittings were ready, now his party had alerted all personnel. The tools used to extinguish the fire, some are manual and some use modified engines or motorbikes.

Then, his party also prepared the Karhutla Command Center and the Hanyaken Enemy Application which were used to monitor hotspots, receive public reports regarding Karhutla and monitor Kathutla posts in Polsek and Polres ranks and collaborate with Telkomsel.

So far, the prevention of land and forest fires has often been hampered, one of the obstacles to communication networks.

The Central Kalimantan Regional Police and the TNI are collaborating with PT Telkomsel to prepare a special Karhutla simcard, which has two functions for making calls and can be used like a handy talky (HT), when there is no signal for cellular telephones.

"The facilities and infrastructure for combating forest and land fires are ready, including, disseminating information to the community, law enforcement and the tools used to extinguish fires. Manual tools to extinguish fires on a small scale. Modified motorbikes become spray machines to extinguish fires on land that is not affordable by fire engine, "said Dedi.

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