MEDAN - Detachment 88/Anti-terror Police arrested a man with the initial "H" who is suspected of being a terrorist in Neighborhood 11 Suka Maju Village, Medan Johor District, Medan City. H was arrested while going to buy breakfast.
Head of neighborhood 11, Yusnidar said the man arrested was not a resident. H happened to be visiting his father-in-law there at that time.
"Incidentally he (came) because his parents were sick", said Yusnidar to reporters, Friday, August 13.
Yusnidar said that before his arrest he was contacted by Brimob personnel to accompany him to search his father-in-law's house. However, before being searched, H was first arrested.
"They caught him outside, coincidentally (H), he went to buy breakfast, he said. So they caught him outside", he said.
Furthermore, after being arrested at around 09.00 a.m. local time, Yusnidar was asked to witness a search of H's father-in-law's house. There, Densus 88 secured a number of pieces of evidence.
"(The confiscated) only motorcycles and cellphones", he said.
After that, said Yusnidar, H was taken to the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade headquarters for examination.
"He said he was brought to Brimob. He also said that if he wanted to see him coming to Brimob, his family was welcome to visit him at Brimob", he said.
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