JAKARTA – Various attempts were made to free Rizieq Shihab. This time, the attorney for the former leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab, Azis Yanuar, has an opening to maneuver.

Azis Yanuar saw the existence of maladministration in Rizieq Shihab's legal process. He considered that the Deputy Chairperson of PT DKI Jakarta was incompetent in deciding that his client was detained for 30 days.

Azis said that the judges should have made the determination. Therefore, his party will report to Komnas HAM to the Judicial Commission (KY).

"We strongly protest. This is a violation of maladministration. We will process it to the Judicial Commission and then we will send it today in a row until Monday we send it to the chairman of the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court Supervisory Body, and commission III. And this is a violation of human rights as well. We will report this Komnas HAM. We are reporting this," said Aziz in the Matraman area, Central Jakarta, Thursday, August 12.

Aziz explained that the prison sentence for Rizieq Shihab in the crowding case in Petamburan and Megamendung should have been completed by August 8, 2021, based on the appeal decision at PT DKI Jakarta.

Thus, continued Azis, Rizieq was released on Monday 9 August, three days ago. However, Azis questioned why the decision was not carried out properly, even with the addition of Rizieq's detention time for 30 days.

Azis is surprised, he considers the decision to be legally flawed and has the potential for maladministration.

"We and Habib Rizieq have anticipated whatever our efforts, we know that Habib will not be released in any way. We already know that. We are not really surprised," he said.

In accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code, Azis considers that the decision on the detention must be decided by the panel of judges who handle the appeal of the Ummi Hospital case.

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