JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission stated that electronic recapitulation or e-Recap is a strategic choice at this time as the use of technology to be applied in the implementation of elections.

"The results of the study by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Application Study Team for the General Elections and Regional Elections formed by the KPU stated that e-Recap was a strategic choice for now," said KPU Chairperson Ilham Saputra in a virtual discussion "Projection of e-Vote readiness in elections Indonesiaā€¯ in Jakarta, Thursday.

According to him, there are several reasons for this. First, e-Rekap can shorten the recapitulation period of vote counting, so that the curiosity of the public and contestants about the election results can be met quickly, which in turn will reduce vulnerability and uncertainty.

"E-Recap is able to quickly and accurately recapitulate the results of vote counting at the polling station level, thereby avoiding technical errors in counting votes due to negligence, errors, and fatigue of TPS officers," he said.

Then, the e-Recap engine works without taking into account the emotions and interests of the parties, so that the results can be trusted.

Ilham said that technologically e-Recap is the easiest stage compared to the implementation of e-Voting and e-Counting in the implementation of elections.

"So the practice of developing electoral technology runs according to the law of technology. Starting from the easiest, moving to the more difficult ones, then reaching the most complicated stages," he said.

In addition, continued Ilham, e-Recap or electronic recapitulation for elections can also be designed and produced domestically.

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