JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR-RI, Rizki Aulia Rahman Natakusumah said, related to digitalization or the digital ecosystem, life about 10 - 20 years ago the difference was very rapid compared to life that exists today.

"It's very different from our children, our brothers and sisters in the 21st century who has entered the year 2021," said Rizki Aulia, in a discussion initiated by BAKTI Kominfo with the theme "Creating a Digital Ecosystem in the Industrial Era 4.0", quoted Thursday 12 August.

He recounted, in 1999 when he was in elementary school in the Pandeglang area, there was no such thing as a cellphone, people still use pagers and even then very rarely.

"The signal is not there yet, the village is still far from the city, farmers' access to the market is still very difficult, the construction is still very, very alarming at that time. Now from the early 2000s until now with the development of technology and others etc. can, the area there (Pandeglang) is covered better," he said.

However, according to him, currently there is still a big homework for those who sit in the seats of the DPR and the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo). Namely, he said, regarding the many misuses of technology through irresponsible information circulating on the internet.

"This is what we both think about, what kind of country we want to have," he explained.

In addition, people are still worried about the protection of their personal data. This is also one of the things that are often misused by irresponsible parties.

"Commission I and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, there is such a thing as a bill on the protection of personal data, this is very important because to be able to provide a sense of security to the public every time they use their gadgets for shopping, to be able to use digital applications or the internet without fear that the data will be absorbed without our knowledge," he concluded.

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