BANJARMASIN - Deputy Regent of Hulu Sungai Tengah, South Kalimantan, H Mansyah Sabri, asked the Health Office to conduct clinical trials on Limpasu (Baccaurea Lanceolata) fruit because it is believed that some people can cure diseases of residents affected by the COVID-19 virus.

"We ask the Health Office to learn more, because at times like this it is very beneficial for COVID-19 sufferers, especially since the fruit is native to Meratus", said Mansyah in Barabai, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 9.

According to him, if it is clinically proven or at least can be used as a therapy to accelerate the healing of COVID-19 patients, then this is good news for the Indonesian people.

"In fact, this fruit from Kalimantan can be a distributor of COVID-19 treatment in Indonesia and even the world," he hoped.

Previously, Dr. Airin, who is a health worker at the Hantakan Health Center, related to the viral Limpasu fruit when several Dayak residents of Kampung Papagaran and Patikalain participated in traditional teachings at a hall in June 2021.

According to her, after the direction, several residents were sick and had symptoms of contracting COVID-19.

There is about 80 percent of Papagaran residents have symptoms such as loss of taste and are advised to self-isolate at their respective homes.

However, it turned out that the residents took the initiative to look for natural medicines from the forest, to try the Limpasu fruit which tastes sour and sour. In addition, residents also drink the juice of the peel that has been mashed and mixed with half a glass of water plus soaked yellow root (Fibraurea Tinctoria) and Patikala fruit (Kecombrang).

After drinking it regularly three times a day, it turns out that the effect is extraordinary, residents can recover and have started to have a taste. There are four days to a week of drinking has recovered.

Limpasu fruit itself is famous as a legacy of the beauty of the Dayak people in the interior of Meratus Kalimantan whose skin is used as a face mask, scrub, or powder.

The literature mentions limpasu fruit has benefits for treating fever (due to infection), skin health, and antioxidants. Limpasu fruit can make the skin awake and always healthy so that it can always look beautiful. Usually also for acne medication.

Grated limpasu fruit and added cold powder are proven to actually cure acne in young women. Several studies have shown that this wild plant has the potential to maintain skin health.

Currently, several beauty products already use this plant. Face masks are made from limpasu fruit because this fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Limpasu fruit also has a high water content so it can nourish the skin.

However, for use for the treatment of COVID-19, there has been no further research. At least, the fruit has been proven to accelerate the healing of Dayak Meratus residents who have had symptoms of COVID-19.

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