BENGKULU - A team of personnel from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kepahiang Police, Bengkulu Police, arrested five temporary workers suspected of committing fraud with the mode of passing the victim as a Civil Servant (PNS).

Head of the Bengkulu Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Sudarnod, said the five people were NI (36), OA (32), SH (41), AA (36), and MA (43).

The five were caught red-handed while making transactions at a house in Tebat Monok Village, Kepahiang District, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu on Saturday, August 7.

"So these five people are honorary workers and there are 10 victims. They are lured into being appointed as civil servants", said Sudarno, quoted by Antara, Monday, August 9.

Sudarno said the five had been named as suspects and that an investigation was still underway to find other perpetrators.

The arrest of the five suspects began with information from the public that said two suspected perpetrators were collecting honoraria at one of the residents' houses in Tebat Monok Village.

The alleged perpetrator promised the victim that he could be appointed as a civil servant on condition that he paid a registration fee of IDR 500 thousand and the money to enter the database of the Indonesian public service federation amounting to IDR 1.5 million.

When arrested, the police confiscated evidence in the form of cash amounting to more than IDR 7.4 million, two laptops or portable computers, eight mobile phones, and flash drives or disks.

Then the police also confiscated five diplomas and honorary decrees that allegedly belonged to the victim who was promised to be appointed as a civil servant.

"The five suspects have been arrested and are currently still in the process of being investigated and investigated. We suspect that there are other suspects involved", he suspected.

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