KALBAR - Regent of Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Muda Mahendrawan said, currently the rate of transmission of COVID-19 and the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) in a number of hospitals in the district have fallen considerably.

"This decrease in BOR can be seen from the increasing recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in a number of hospitals, of which 30 percent in Sudarso Hospital, Kartika Husada Hospital almost 50 percent and Dr. Sutomo Hospital the figure is also very low. So we are optimistic that this risk zone will change", said Muda at Sungai Raya, Antara, Sunday, August 8.

Not only that said Muda, but the recovery rate of COVID-19 patients in the district is also quite high when compared to the rate of infection and BOR. From the results of testing, tracing, and treatment (3T) in the field, it turns out that many residents who have been isolated for a long time (isoman) have recovered.

"This condition has shown that we are far from worrying things", he said.

According to him, the important thing is the acceleration of tracing so that people do not need to panic. The public is asked to be disciplined in carrying out health protocols. In addition, the Kubu Raya local government has also accelerated the vaccinations that have been carried out so far.

According to Muda, zoning in West Kalimantan is fluctuating. Currently, there are 11 villages with red zone status, 4 villages are orange while the other 103 villages are relatively yellow and green.

"We see this condition as only fluctuating because a day or two the status can change. But the most important thing is that there are steps that we take and we also appreciate people who are aware of doing their own swab because it is to detect and identify so that it can be done more effective", he said.

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