JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD reminded the importance of clean politicians and political parties.

"Political parties are often accused of being a nest of corruptors and the cause of the chaotic political situation. Because of this, voices emerge who want Indonesia without political parties. However, political parties are still needed to exercise control over power," said Mahfud while giving a briefing to the School. The second batch of Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) cadres, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 8.

According to him, a constitutional democracy must have a representative institution or parliament, and a good parliament must be filled by political parties," said Mahfud in a press release.

To around 1,200 PSI Cadre School participants, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs said that it is not easy to be a clean politician and political party, because sometimes they are faced with two difficult choices.

"First, political parties were founded to fight for the good of the nation and state, therefore the people must be good. Second, to be able to fight, political parties must have many followers," said Mahfud.

Therefore, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court hopes that PSI can maintain its ideals as a political party, for example continuing to recruit legislative candidates openly, without dowry, and involving experts as an independent panelist team.

"Please, keep PSI's idealism. I used to encourage the establishment of PSI, I participated in selecting candidates for legislative members. Together with Mr. Goenawan Mohamad, there was Mrs. Tuti Hadiputranto, Mr. Bibit Samad Rianto, Mr. Hamdi Muluk, who participated in the selection because they had the hope of new blood to the life of our political party," he said.

In line with the goals of the Indonesian Solidarity Cadre School, Mahfud also supports the birth of PSI cadres who are competent and with integrity.

"I used to say to the PSI leadership, I will support and pray for PSI to produce legislative candidates who are competent and with integrity. Competent, he is able to work, understands constitutional issues, understands politics, sociology, and people's needs. Then with integrity, he is honest, good intentions, and not corrupt," said Mahfud.

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