JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government implemented three strategies so that the corona virus (COVID-19) began to be controlled in the past week. What are the details about this strategy?

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria in Jakarta, Saturday, August 7, said the first strategy was to carry out socialization and campaigns so that people stay at home, implement health protocols and enforce Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in a disciplined and responsible manner.

"Second, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government continues to improve 3T (testing, tracing and treatment) as a strategy to maintain this good pace," Riza said as reported by Antara.

Third, improve good cooperation with existing task forces from the provincial level to the RT-RW level.

This strategy was carried out in order to maintain the good trend of the pandemic situation in Jakarta over the past week.

Riza hopes that all parties will not be slack, negligent, let alone ignore health protocols even though there has been an improvement in the pandemic situation.

Don't be like the previous year, when there was a significant decline, but then not long after the people were negligent, negligent so that it increased again.

"Precisely at this time where there is improvement, we increase discipline. Now we are grateful that there has been a significant decline, of course it must be supported by discipline and responsibility for the whole community to stay at home, implement health protocols and implement PPKM Level 4 as best as possible," he said.

Within a week, there was a decrease in the population's exposure level of around 1,000 to 3,000 people per day. On Friday (6/8) there were 2,185 people, then the death rate was 1.5 percent and the current cure rate was 96.9 percent.

"Our PCR tests are still carried out in the range of 15 to 20 times the WHO standard, which contributes 29.7 percent to the number of national tests," said Riza.

Riza said that currently the hospital occupancy rate (Bed Occupancy Rate / BOR) has dropped to 47 percent for isolation rooms and ICU rooms have fallen to 70 percent.

Then the vaccine in DKI Jakarta has reached 8.2 million for the first dose and 3.2 million for the dose. Even some of those who have been vaccinated are non-KTP Jakarta residents who are also given the same rights and services. This is the strategy carried out by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to control COVID-19.

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