JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office team directly monitors the distribution of social assistance for communities affected by the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Medan, North Sumatra.

Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Brian Sri Prahastuti, conveyed that the monitoring activity was by the President's instructions so that all levels of government ensure that the distribution of social assistance is distributed on target.

"We came to inspect at random to select several villages to monitor the distribution of social assistance", said Brian said while reviewing the distribution of social assistance in Simpang Tanjung Village, Medan Sunggal Sub-district, Medan, Friday, August 6, according to a press release from the Presidential Staff Office received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Saturday, August 7.

Brian emphasized that a social assistance program is a form of government attention and responsibility for implementing PPKM policies.

He explained that the government had distributed various social assistance programs such as the Family Hope Program, Cash Social Assistance, rice assistance, electricity, data packages, and assistance for MSMEs affected by PPKM.

"Thank God, the distribution of social assistance really reached the community, I witnessed firsthand the distribution was orderly and complied with health protocols", said Brian.

The head of Lalang Village, Medan Sub-district, Sunggal Jalaludin Nasir Pohan, admitted that the provision of social assistance to the community was very helpful in the midst of the current pandemic situation. However, his party encountered a few obstacles in determining the criteria for residents who would be proposed as recipients of social assistance.

"In a pandemic situation like today, everyone feels they deserve to receive social assistance, while we have to choose according to priorities that are really the most impacted and most in need", said Jalaludin.

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