JATIM - The government of Mojokerto Regency, East Java (Jatim) disbursed incentive money for 1,392 health workers (nakes) of more than Rp. 4.1 billion for the months of January-June 2021 at the Soekandar Hospital.

The head of the COVID-19 Task Force and the Regent of Mojokerto Ikifna Fahmawati 'lifts her hat' to pay respects to a number of health workers for continuing to struggle to treat all COVID-19 patients. Ikifna Fahmawati promised the maximum in the disbursement of incentives.

"We are trying our best to speed up the disbursement of health workers incentives. For RSUD Soekandar we disbursed more than Rp. 4 billion, and RSUD RA Basoeni Rp. 2 billion (in progress)," said the regent in Mojokerto as quoted by Antara, Friday, August 6.

The acceleration of this disbursement is the commitment of the Mojokerto Regency Government to reward the health workers as heroes of humanity. Incentive funds that are maximized from unexpected expenditures (BTT), begin with a review by the Inspectorate submitted from BPBD, then raised to the regent to BPKAD.

Incentives are realized according to the proposed submission by taking into account the provisions of the applicable legislation, in accordance with regional financial capabilities, and disbursed for those who have met the requirements according to the provisions.

Meanwhile, the Acting Director of the Soekandar Hospital, Rasyid Salim explained, the basic requirements for disbursing health workers incentives, including the name of the health worker who will be in contact with a confirmed positive COVID-19 patient determined by decree, evidenced by a log book, absent photo visits, and filling out record sheets. integrated patient development (CPPT) every day.

He said the requirement for calculating incentives is in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Health (KMK) Number 4239 of 2021, namely the number of assignment days, per number of days of effective working time multiplied by the number of incentives per month. From the results of the summation, it is then inputted into a special application for health incentives from the Ministry of Health.

He said the number of health workers at the Soekandar Hospital was recorded as 21 specialist doctors, 13 general practitioners, 218 nurses, health workers, midwives, and 36 supporting laboratories, radiology, and pharmacy. "The amount of incentives is between IDR 1-15 million per month," he said.

This nominal varies, because it is based on the day the health worker is exposed to or serves patients confirmed positive for COVID-19, using the Ministry of Health formula and application.

"Incentives are not cut by any party or the hospital. Everything goes directly to their respective accounts," he said.

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