JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko confirmed that a number of regions were starting to run out of stock for COVID-19 vaccinations. This happened because the central government prioritized the distribution of vaccines to agglomeration areas.

The agglomeration areas are a number of cities whose mobility is quite dense, such as Greater Jakarta, Greater Bandung, Greater Semarang, Greater Solo, Greater Surabaya, Greater Malang, and so on.

"Indeed, initially there was an agglomeration area that was the main target for vaccination. Therefore, the economic sector was quite high," said Moeldoko at the COVID-19 Hospital Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Friday, August 6.

However, Moeldoko said the government would again receive hundreds of doses of the vaccine from September to December.

“I want to emphasize that in September we will get approximately 70 million vaccines, in October there are 40 million, in November there are 35 million, and December 38 million. So, be patient a moment. Soon the vaccine will come," he said.

With the planned arrival of vaccines in large quantities, Moeldoko said President Joko Widodo had ordered the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) to assist in the implementation of vaccinations for the community.

"The president has ordered the head of the BKKBN to be able to deploy a number of fields which will eventually be involved in massive vaccination," said Moeldoko.

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