JAKARTA - The police will conduct a case against the alleged threat of violence with the reported person, I Gede Aryastina alias Jerinx SID, this afternoon. The purpose of the case is to identify the suspect.

"This afternoon we are holding a case to determine its status, it has fulfilled the elements of not being a suspect," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Friday, August 6.

If Jerinx is later named a suspect, Yusri continued, investigators plan to summon him for questioning. It is estimated that the inspection is scheduled for next week.

"If, for example, he becomes a suspect, next week, we will schedule to summon J to Jakarta," said Yusri.

If Jerinx doesn't answer the call, the investigator will send a second call again. However, if it is still the same, it is possible to be picked up forcibly.

"We are waiting for the results of the title," said Yusri.

For information, the Polda Metro Jaya has upgraded the status of the case of the alleged threat of violence involving I Gede Aryastina alias Jerinx as reported from an investigation to an investigation.

Improved case status based on the results of the case title. Where, the team of investigators found a criminal violation.

In this case, Jerinx was reported under Article 335 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 29 in conjunction with Article 45B of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 an amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE.

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