MUKOMUKO - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province stated that there are already 14 villages and sub-districts that have red zone status.

"As many as 14 villages and sub-districts with red zone status are spread over eight of the 15 sub-districts in this area," said Head of BPBD Mukomuko Syahrizal, in his statement at Mukomuko, Antara, Friday, August 6.

The existence of a red zone in 14 villages departs from data on the distribution of active COVID-19 cases as of August 5, 2021. Furthermore, based on the same data, there are 7 villages and sub-districts in areas with orange zone status and 11 villages with yellow zone status.

Regarding the determination of the status of the zone, the local government issued a circular letter (SE) of the regent following up on the instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 17 of 2021 dated July 5, 2021, regarding the extension of the implementation of restrictions on micro-based community activities and optimizing the COVID-19 handling post.

Based on the circular, the micro PPKM is enforced by considering the zoning criteria for controlling the area at the hamlet or neighborhood level.

Then optimize the implementation of the function of the command post for handling COVID-19 at the village and sub-district level which has four functions, namely prevention, handling, coaching, and supporting the implementation of handling COVID-19 at the village level.

"Actually, the village-level COVID-19 Command Post must be active even if the village has a red zone status or not, because there is financing for activities at the post from village funds," he said.

The district-level COVID-19 Handling Task Force will monitor and tour a number of villages with red zone status to ensure there is no crowd activity in this area.

His agency determines the status of the zone based on the number of cases in the area, namely one to two yellow zone cases, three to five orange zone cases and five to seven red zone cases.

Meanwhile, as many as 269 COVID-19 patients in this area are undergoing self-isolation and being treated at hospitals or who are still active with COVID-19 from 1,863 positive cases of COVID-19 in this area.

While the total number of specimens examined was 6,738 samples, the total number of specimens tested positive for COVID-19 was 1,863 people.

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