MEDAN - The Toba Regency COVID-19 Task Force disbanded the traditional burial and Makaliholi party in Parparean Village, Porsea District.

The head of the Toba Police Public Relations Subdivision, Iptu Bungaran Samosir, said the dissolution was led by the Toba Sabhara Police Chief, AKP Dimun Hutahuruk together with the Porsea District COVID-19 Task Force. Allegedly, the implementation of the traditional burial party violated health protocols.

"Monitoring and disbanding traditional burial and Makaliholi parties in Parparean Village, Porsea District, Toba Regency and at the same time giving an appeal that this traditional party is completed immediately", said Bungaran in a written statement, Friday, August 6.

In that activity, said Bungaran, his party also provided education to the family and all those present to implement health protocols.

"An appeal was given by the COVID-19 Task Force and Kasat Sabhara to families holding traditional parties to implement health protocols and this event was shortened to 13.00 WIB and there was no monitoring event", he said.

The family who organizes the traditional burial party can accept it and the event can be dismissed.

Bungaran explained, the activities to stop the disbandment was based on various rules. Like Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police and Presidential Instruction (INPRES) No. 6 of 2020 concerning improving discipline and law enforcement of health protocols.

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