JAKARTA - City transportation (Angkot) heading to Pulogadung - Ujung Menteng has fallen into the flow of the Ujung Menteng Irrigation River, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

According to information from residents around the incident, the driver was in a drunken state and was walking at a high speed so that he lost control and fell into a river.

Basri, one of the eyewitnesses to the incident, said that at first the angkot was driving as usual there. When they were about to leave the road, the angkot went too far.

"I was still there until I mentally came here, who brought the driver. From the car, I immediately jumped," Basri told reporters at the location, Thursday, August 5.

The angkot bearing the name Cooperative Wahana Kalpikat T30 heading for Pulogadung - Ujung Menteng almost drowned and was carried away by the river current. Luckily, the angkot with the number B 2353 TV was not carrying passengers. As a result of this incident, the driver only suffered minor injuries.

The accident is believed to have been caused by the driver being drunk while driving the car. The reason is, when leaving the alley, the driver stepped on the gas so that the car sped up uncontrollably.

According to Nurul Huda, the driver's partner, the car could not get out because it was blocked by the car in front of it.

"He tried to move forward without other people knowing, he crashed into two motorbikes. His condition was still drunk. Luckily there were no passengers, only he himself brought the car," he added.

This incident became a spectacle of local residents. The car was immediately evacuated by the East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit for further processing.

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