JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy criticized the social assistance distribution system (Bansos) by PT Pos Indonesia which resulted in crowds of people at the Post Office.

"If possible, don't gather like this at the Post Office, aid can be distributed through RT/RW," he said in Banjarmasin, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 4.

The statement was conveyed while reviewing the distribution of the Cash Social Assistance Program (BST) stages 14 and 15 of Rp600 thousand per KPM and the distribution of the 2021 PPKM Rice Assistance Program of 10 kg per KPM at the Banjarmasin Branch Post Office, South Kalimantan.

In addition to being vulnerable to COVID-19 transmission with many people gathering, residents who have to come to the Post Office also need transportation costs.

"I asked the residents earlier that he took a motorcycle taxi for Rp. 15,000 from home. He went back and forth for Rp. 30 thousand. So the money he received was less because the cost of travel was cut," he said.

Muhadjir asked PT Pos to be more proactive in looking at the facts on the ground. "Don't harm the community when the distribution is less effective," he said.

In fact, he revealed that transportation costs had also been included in the contract between PT Pos and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"You can collect it in one RT, ask for help from Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa to organize it. Make sure health protocols are adhered to and there are no deductions from the assistance received by residents," he said.

A total of 23,830 residents of Banjarmasin City affected by the COVID-19 pandemic received social safety net stimulus assistance from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs at stages 14 and 15 this time.

The aid is divided into two types, first, only 10 kilograms of rice for the ex-Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) whose recipients are 13,657 beneficiary families (KPM), then there is ex-cash social assistance (BST) of Rp.600 thousand for the two months period of May and June. 2021 plus 10 kilograms of rice

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