DENPASAR - A total of 1,035 Denpasar health workers received the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination at the Wangaya Hospital, Denpasar, as a booster for health workers.

"For the first day, we are targeting 50 health workers who are indeed working in isolation rooms", said Wangaya Anak Agung General Hospital President Director, Made Widiasa, in Denpasar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

The third dose of COVID-19 vaccination as a booster for health workers using the Moderna vaccine made in the United States began on August 3, 2021, and is targeted until August 16, 2021.

He added that his party would prioritize health workers who work in isolation rooms or directly handle COVID-19 patients.

After administering the third dose of vaccine for health workers who work in isolation rooms or directly handle COVID-19 patients, they will target other human resources for health workers.

This third dose of vaccination was carried out because according to research by experts, a booster was needed using the Moderna type of vaccine due to the proliferation of new variants.

"From the research, the Sinovac vaccine is quite effective, and from this research, it is necessary to add a booster vaccine and use the Moderna vaccine", he said.

In addition to the Wangaya Hospital in Denpasar, the vaccination was also held simultaneously in other health care facilities.

For Denpasar City, the third dose of vaccination for health workers targeted 10,991 people carried out in 40 health care facilities in Denpasar.

The process is for officers on duty in 40 health care facilities to immediately undergo vaccination at their respective places of duty.

Meanwhile, health workers who work outside the health care facility register and vaccinate at the nearest health service facility.

The vaccination process is the same as the first dose or the second dose which begins with screening or examination.

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