PAPUA - The High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) cooperates with the Papuan Inspectorate to investigate allegations of corruption within the Papuan Education, Library and Regional Archives Service (DPPAD).

"It is true that the case is still being investigated, although there has been a refund of Rp3,566,944,700, which was made by the treasurer of the Papua DPPAD on July 26," said Papuan Attorney General Nikolaus Kondomo in Jayapura, Antara, Tuesday, August 3.

He explained that the refund of Rp3.5 billion began with an investigation conducted by the Papua Prosecutor's Office after receiving a report on allegations of corruption in the use of special autonomy funds in the Papua DPPAD.

From the investigation, it was found that there was an unaccounted for state money of Rp. 4 billion, so his party cooperated with the Papuan Inspectorate to investigate further.

After conducting an investigation and examining witnesses, the money allegedly misappropriated was returned to the state.

"Currently the money is deposited in BNI Jayapura. However, investigators are still investigating the case," explained Kondomo.

There are nine people who have been questioned from DPPAD Papua, including the treasurer. While the money that has been returned is related to the use of the budget that has been implemented, including supervision and monitoring of PBM in schools, implementation of evaluation of performance results in the field of education and student skills competition activities.

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