JAKARTA - The Sub-Directorate of Mobile Investigation Unit (Resmob) of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Direskrimum) of the Metro Jaya Police has succeeded in uncovering a brawl between motorcycle gangs that caused the death of one minor with the initials J. At least 9 people were arrested by Mobile Investigation Unit members after the incident.

The brawl between motorcycle gangs took place in the Jatiasih area, Bekasi, West Java, last Sunday, July 11. That night, a commotion broke out around 02.30 in the morning.

Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Police, Senior Commissioner, Yusri Yunus, revealed that the police arrested 9 people from the incident. Five of them are minors.

"On average, the perpetrators are still young even though they are adults. Five underage perpetrators have already filed the second stage of filing with the Prosecutor's Office. Then 4 other perpetrators were detained with different roles", said Kombes Yusri to reporters, Monday, August 2.

Furthermore, Kombes Yusri detailed that the perpetrator with the initials S (22) played a role in carrying a sharp weapon of the type of sickle and stabbing the victim. The perpetrator, initials ACW, also carried a sharp weapon and went after the victim along with S.

"Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initials MAP (20), is in charge of recording videos, including the viral ones. The other actor with the initials RFR acts as a motorbike jockey and chases the victim. After the victim fell, S immediately slashed the victim", he explained.

In the action, the perpetrators look for enemies through social media and challenge them. They continued Yusri, invited them through social media to find out that they had a gang, and challenged them through the admin. If there are (enemies), he continued, they make an appointment somewhere and fight.

"We are still pursuing 6 more people whose identities we have obtained. Of the 6 people who are on the People's Wanted List (DPO), the other 3 (perpetrators) are known to be underage", he said.

For their actions, the adult perpetrators were charged with Article 170 paragraphs 2E and 3E and Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years in prison. Meanwhile, the perpetrators who are members of motorcycle gangs and are underage, are charged with articles according to juvenile justice.

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