JAKARTA - The Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) Herman Deru asked the police to take firm action on the hoax case of a Rp2 trillion aid fund for handling COVID-19 from Akidi Tio's family.

"I as the head of this region ask the National Police to take firm action against anyone who creates a commotion. Moreover, it causes a polemic so that the atmosphere that we are currently dealing with the pandemic is disturbed because of the actions of these individuals who seem to provide assistance with a very fantastic value," said Herman Deru in Palembang, Monday, August 2.

Herman Deru asked the police to process the law if it was true that the Rp2 trillion aid turned out to be a hoax.

"With the strictest possible punishment. This is not good, indeed when the atmosphere is tense because of COVID-19 there are still people who act like that," said the Governor of South Sumatra.

"We don't know what his wishes are for the Polri institution so that doing this is beyond our thinking. The South Sumatra Police have taken the right steps to detain these individuals and I appreciate the transparency of the Regional Police Chief and also invited religious leaders when the family of the late Akidi Tio had handed over the aid. symbolically to the South Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General Eko Indra Heri on July 26," said Herman Deru.

The Governor of South Sumatra was very disappointed. The Rp2 trillion aid hoax has deceived many people.

"At that time, I acted as an invited guest or witness during the handing over of aid at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters. This incident certainly deceived many people. But according to him, those who felt cheated were those who expected the money. selective. That's why it always says, if you want to give help, don't give money, but only materials," he explained

Meanwhile, the Director of Intelligence and Security at the South Sumatra Police, Kombes Ratno Kuncoro, said that his party was still investigating the suspect's motive.

"The suspect's motive is currently under investigation. What is clear is that HR (Heriyanti, the youngest child of the late Akidi Tio) has become a suspect. We have also secured Prof H (Hardi Darmawan) for questioning. 1 of 1966 articles 15 and 16 and will be subject to quite heavy sanctions of more than 10 years," he said.

According to him, after receiving symbolic assistance, the South Sumatra Police Chief formed two special teams. First to investigate the origins of the aid. Meanwhile, the second team is tasked with ensuring that there is no polemic over the aid.

"We are carrying out law enforcement efforts because of the polemic related to the COVID-19 donation given to the South Sumatra Police Chief. So, from the beginning the Regional Police Chief has formed these two teams," said Ratno.

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