JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Alue Dohong, inaugurated and handed over a virtual waste processing facility to the Regional Government (Pemda) of Purwakarta Regency on Friday, June 12 yesterday.

Purwakarta Regency is one of five districts around the Citarum River Basin (DAS) which since 2019 has received support for the provision of waste management facilities from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). This is in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2018 concerning the Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage to the Citarum Watershed.

In accordance with the Presidential Decree, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry also provides support for waste processing infrastructure to four other districts around the Citarum watershed, namely Indramayu, Sumedang, Subang and Bekasi Districts.

The waste processing facility which today was officially handed over to Purwakarta Regency is in the form of a Garbage Main Bank (BSI) unit and a Tricycle Garbage Motor. It is hoped that with these facilities Purwakarta Regency will get better at managing its waste, which based on their Jakstrada data, the waste generation figure reaches 138,898 tons / year.

"The event inaugurating the facilities in the five Citarum watershed districts is one of a series of activities for the waste management program in the Citarum watershed. I hope the local government can utilize, utilize and maintain the existing facilities as much as possible so that they can overcome the waste problem in the Citarum watershed, "Deputy Minister of the Environment and Forestry Alue Dohong quoted on Saturday, June 13.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Waste, Waste and B3 Management, Rosa Vivien Ratnawati explained, based on the Presidential Decree Number 15 of 2018, KLHK is included in the Citarum watershed recovery team.

"In this team, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is tasked with providing waste management facilities, so since 2019 the KLHK through the Directorate General of Waste and B3 Waste Management (PSLB3) has an integrated waste management program in the Citarum watershed," he said.

Added by Rosa, if the construction of infrastructure in Purwakarta Regency for 2020 will continue. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry through the Directorate General of PSLB3 has prepared the 2020 budget for the continued construction of waste management facilities in Purwakarta Regency in the form of one compost house unit and one biodigester unit with a capacity of 1 ton / day.

"It is hoped that the support of waste processing facilities and infrastructure can provide benefits to the community, to support the reduction of waste generation and to encourage more optimal waste processing in Purwakarta Regency," he added.

The Regent of Purwakarta Regency, Anne Ratna Mustika, is grateful for the assistance from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. With the development of the Main Waste Bank (BSI) from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, he is increasingly optimistic about the success of the waste management target of 70% and waste reduction of 30%, which is part of the commitment of cooperation between the Central Government and the Pemda Purwakarta.

"The existence of a main waste bank, coupled with community empowerment efforts in the form of a unit waste bank in every sub-district and village, is expected to optimize waste processing, so that only residual waste will remain and be disposed of to the TPA," said Anne.

Anne also explained that the assistance for waste processing in 2020 in the form of a compost house will be placed in the TPA to support waste processing there.

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