This Month's COVID-19 Death Rate Is The Highest During Almost Two Years Of Pandemic
ILLUSTRATION/TPU Rorotan Jakarta (DOK Instagram Anies Baswedan)

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the death toll for COVID-19 cases in the past two weeks had increased by more than 1.000 cases per day.

In fact, he said, on July 27, the daily COVID-19 death rate reached the highest, which was 2.069 cases. Thus, this month's accumulation of deaths is the highest during the pandemic.

"This is the month with the most deaths during the pandemic in Indonesia. As of yesterday, 30.168 deaths were recorded this month. This figure is very high, considering the highest death toll last June was 7.913 deaths", Wiku said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, July 29.

If you look at the data as of July 25, 5 of the 10 provinces with the highest COVID-19 death rates this month are outside Java-Bali. The other 5 islands are in Java-Bali.

"Although Central Java, East Java, and DKI Jakarta are still high, we are wary that East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, Central Kalimantan, and South Sumatra are also the highest contributors to weekly cases", said Wiku.

Wiku said that the high death rate for COVID-19 should be an alarm for every province because most regions do not undergo Level 4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"This increase in deaths certainly needs to be evaluated. For that, it is important to understand that we can all do our best to reduce this death rate", he said.

Wiku asked local governments to always monitor the capacity of hospitals in their respective areas. Regions must anticipate an increase in cases by ensuring the availability of oxygen, medicines, beds, and health workers.

"This can increase the speed and accuracy of service so that deaths can be avoided", he concluded.

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