JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) appreciates the decision of the South Jakarta District Court Judge which rejected the pretrial application of the former Director of Audit and Collection of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Angin Prayitno Aji.

Furthermore, the investigation into the alleged tax bribery case will continue to be carried out by completing witness statements and looking for other evidence.

"KPK appreciates the judge's decision to reject all pretrial applications submitted by the suspect APA (Angin Prayitno Aji). Next, the process of investigating this case will continue," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Ali Fikri told reporters, Thursday, July 29.

In the decision, there were a number of considerations the judge rejected the pretrial application submitted by Angin. Among them are related to the legality of the determination of the suspect and related to the confiscated objects.

The judge said that based on the evidence submitted by the KPK, investigators had summoned Angin as a potential suspect and asked for his statement, which was then poured into the Minutes of Request for Information. The entire series of investigative actions are also reported to the leadership based on the available evidence.

"Furthermore, the respondent (KPK) carried out an investigation based on an Investigative Order and also carried out a series of investigative actions by collecting evidence amounting to more than 2 pieces of evidence," he was quoted as saying from the verdict read by the South Jakarta District Court Judge. With this consideration, the determination of Angin as a suspect by the KPK has fulfilled the preliminary evidence and is supported by evidence of more than 2 valid pieces of evidence.

"Based on the considerations above, it turns out that the respondent (KPK) has managed to collect evidence of at least 2 pieces of evidence, namely from witness statements, suspect statements and letter evidence," explained the judge.

Meanwhile, regarding the illegal confiscation application, the judge was of the opinion that the confiscation had been authorized by the KPK Supervisory Board and was stated in the official report. Furthermore, this minutes is also signed by Wind along with a letter of receipt of evidence.

Thus, the judge emphasized that the confiscation carried out by the anti-corruption commission investigator was based on the existing legal rules.

"Considering based on the considerations above, the reason for the pretrial application submitted by the Petitioner is without legal basis, therefore it should be rejected in its entirety."

Previously, Angin Prayitno's attorney, Syaefullah Hamid said that the KPK's determination of the suspect was not in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code. Even the investigation process until the investigation is considered not the domain of the KPK.

In addition, discrepancies between the investigation and investigation processes were also seen during the trial process. One example is that the KPK does not have sufficient evidence to identify a suspect.

"The Sprindik was published on February 4, 2021, the SPDP as well as the determination of the suspect on February 5, 2021, while it was acknowledged by the respondent (KPK) that the examination of witnesses in the investigation had only begun on April 22, 2021 and the confiscation had only begun March 31, 2021, while the search was on February 10, 2021. everything was carried out after the determination of the suspect," said Syaefullah in his statement, Tuesday, July 27.

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