MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution said the bed occupancy ratio (BOR) of a number of hospitals for treating COVID-19 patients in his area has now increased sharply, reaching 73 percent.

"Last night it reached 73 percent, this is already very high. Even though in the afternoon it was still 69 percent," Bobby Nasution said in Medan quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 28.

The mayor said the number of beds in a number of hospitals for handling COVID-19 had increased again following the high number of additional cases in the area.

"This is what we both need to warn (remind). We don't want to scare, this is the real condition," he said.

Therefore, he appealed to the people of Medan City to strictly implement health protocols and follow all the rules in the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"Follow health protocols. It's easier to wear a mask, it's easier to keep your distance than looking for a bed in a hospital, looking for medicine and self-isolation," he said.

Meanwhile, the latest data from the COVID-19 Task Force noted that the number of positive COVID-19 patients in Medan City reached 25,874 people, after an additional 670 people as of July 27, 2021.

Then, the recovery rate reached 19,753 people and the death rate reached 666 people.

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