JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has added new rules for implementing Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) Level 4 in Jakarta, namely the inclusion of COVID-19 vaccination certificates in various activities.

This is stated in the Decree of the Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Office Number 495 of 2021 concerning the Extension of PPKM Level 4 COVID-19 in the Tourism Business Sector.

In the decree, Plt. Head of the DKI Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Gumilar Ekalaya, said that the vaccine certificate, which is a condition of the activity, applies to employees and customers who provide accommodation services or hotels, restaurants/cafes, and salons.

"Employees and visitors are required to have vaccinated, as evidenced by a vaccine certificate", Gumilar wrote, quoted from SK on Wednesday, July 28.

Not only that, the activities of marriage contracts, blessings, or wedding ceremonies at hotels and conference halls during the PPKM Level 4 period also require vaccination requirements.

"All families or guests and officers are required to have vaccinated", he wrote.

Meanwhile, other activities such as golf, seminars, tourism areas, water tourism, physical fitness centers, museums, galleries, wedding receptions, cinemas, bowling, billiards, waterparks, swimming fields, and children's play areas are still prohibited from operating during the PPKM Level 4.

Then, the implementation of the review and assessment of health protocols on applications for reopening tourism businesses was temporarily postponed, except for the assessment of health protocols for self-paying isolation hotels.

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