JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission IX Intan Fauzi, invites the public to be optimistic that the COVID-19 pandemic can be handled properly. Even though the government did not want to impose a regional quarantine or lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic.

She considered that the public no longer needed to regret the government's decision to refuse to lockdown but continued to change the name of Micro-scale, emergency, to level 3-4 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"When there are criticisms of why there was no lockdown before so that the pandemic was not as long as this, it means that it is necessary to maintain the current balance. This means that we are based on what is now. If we continue to look back, of course, there will be no solution to this matter", said Intan, Tuesday, July 27.

According to the PAN Party politician, instead of debating criticism and clarification, the government should focus on dealing with the pandemic. Including the scarcity of drugs and oxygen. The government, she said, must fix production and distribution while anticipating things that will happen.

"When we talk about oxygen, we never thought that there would be a shortage of medical oxygen", said Intan.

In order to help the government, the West Java legislator asked the public to be more strict in implementing health protocols. The goal, she said, was so that the state budget obtained from debt and used to deal with the pandemic would not be in vain.

"So that the budget is not in vain, especially if this comes from a very large debt, of course later it will burden the community as well", said Intan.

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