PALEMBANG - Governor of South Sumatra for the period 2008-2018 Alex Noerdin is suspected of receiving a flow of funds worth Rp. 2.4 billion in the construction of the Sriwijaya Palembang Grand Mosque.

This was revealed when the Public Prosecutor (JPU) M Naimullah read out the indictment against four defendants of corruption in grant funds for the construction of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque, namely Eddy Hermanto, Syarifuddin, Yudi Arminto, and Dwi Kridayani.

In front of the panel of judges led by Sahlan Effendy, Naimullah, who is also the Head of the Special Criminal Prosecution Section of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office, stated that Alex Noerdin was indicated to have accepted the flow of funds based on the findings of the investigation team in the alleged corruption case of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque construction grant.

“There is evidence that there is an arrangement for the auction process to be won by one of the private parties and the government. There are also indications of receiving and giving some funds in the first term in the construction of the Sriwijaya Grand Mosque in 2015," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 27.

However, Alex Noerdin's involvement will later be proven in court by presenting a number of witnesses.

"In the trial later we will present witnesses for this allegation," he said.

Meanwhile, Expert Staff Alex Noerdin Kemas Khoirul Mukhlis said the prosecutor's statement had to be proven before being mentioned in the indictment at trial.

"Later on in the trial it will be proven whether it is true that Alex did something as stated in the indictment," he said.

He dismissed the allegation that Alex Noerdin was aware of his involvement, causing him to be absent several times from the summons of the South Sumatra High Prosecutor's investigation team.

According to him, as a former governor, Alex Noerdin will be ready if he is presented as a witness to testify at trial.

"Now it depends on the prosecutor, whether it is necessary or not to present him (Alex Noerdin), because to present a witness, a mechanism is needed from the prosecutor to the trial," he said.

In this case, there are six people who have been named as suspects, of which four of them have their first trial today.

Two other people, namely the 2013-2018 South Sumatra Regional Secretary Mukti Sulaiman, former Head of the People's Welfare Bureau of the South Sumatra Regional Secretariat Ahmad Nasuhi, will also be tried in the near future.

The suspects/defendants are said to have violated Article 2 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 of the Criminal Code and its subsidiary Article 3 jo. Article 18 No. 20/2001 jo. Article 55 Paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

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