SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government has disbursed incentive funds for health workers and supporting staff who serve COVID-19 patients in the City of Heroes, East Java, for the period October-December 2020 and January-June 2021, amounting to Rp89 billion.

"Yes, it's done. Please check each account. It has been paid off in 2020," said Head of Public Relations of the Surabaya City Government, Febriadhitya Prajatara, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 26.

According to him, the incentives for health workers for the 2020 period have been disbursed by the Surabaya City Government and transferred to the accounts of each health worker since Friday, July 9.

As for the COVID-19 service incentives for the January-June 2021 period, the Surabaya City Government has started disbursing it since Friday, July 23 and disbursed at the latest on Monday, July 26.

He said the Surabaya City Government had budgeted an incentive fund of around Rp. 89 billion in 2021. However, he said, it is possible that there will be an additional budget for the COVID-19 service incentive fund later.

"So, the total budget for the health worker incentive fund is around Rp. 89 billion," he said.

Febri explained that this incentive was given to health workers ranging from puskesmas to Regional General Hospitals (RSUD). Those who receive this incentive have worked hard to serve COVID-19 patients in the city of Surabaya.

"This is given to health workers who serve COVID-19," said Febri.

Febri explained that the delay in disbursing the COVID-19 service incentive fund was because the Surabaya City Government had to carry out a budget refocusing process first. Therefore, he said, his party hopes that the health workers for COVID-19 services can understand and understand the existence of this budget refocusing process.

"I hope everyone can understand that if the budget process is not budgeted from the start, then it can't be done. So we have to go through a process of refocusing and revising the budget," he said.

Febri added that COVID-19 service incentives for health workers will be given every month. Through this incentive, he said, his party hopes that it can be an encouragement for health workers who are struggling as the frontline in handling COVID-19 in the city of Surabaya.

"This incentive is expected to be given every month to health workers," he said.

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