JAKARTA - Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said the need for drugs for handling COVID-19 has increased since June 1. Thus, the government is trying to focus on the preparation of these drugs.

"Since June 1 until now, there has been an extraordinary spike in the need for medicines. The spike is 12 times higher", said Minister Budi Gunadi in a press conference broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Monday, July 26.

One of the efforts made by the government is to open communication with pharmaceutical industry players to try to overcome distribution problems. It's just that the fulfillment of drug needs takes a long time.

"It will take 4-6 weeks so that the domestic drug capacity can meet the needs of a 12-fold increase in drugs", said Budi.

The former Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises hopes that in early August, drugs for handling COVID-19, which are sought after by the public, will be available at pharmacies. These drugs include Azithromycin, Oseltamivir, and Favipiravir.

Budi explained, currently, the three drugs are continuously being made available. Azithromycin, said Budi, is now available as many as 11.4 million and will continue to grow because 20 local factories will produce it.

But, he said, the possibility of distribution problems could occur. So they are trying to resolve it with the relevant parties.

Meanwhile, the national stock of Favipiravir currently has a national stock of 6 million and will continue to grow. The reason is that several domestic producers are ready to increase their production stocks, including Kimia Farma which can produce 2 million a day.


In addition, to increase the stock of drugs, imports will also be carried out. The government plans to import 9.2 million drug tablets from various countries and PT Dexa Medica will also import 15 million drugs in August.

"Then there is a new factory which is planned to start producing 1 million Favipiravir in August", said Budi.

Next, the drug Oseltamivir currently has a stock of 12 million until next August. The government plans not to add this antiviral drug because it will replace it with Favipiravir.

Furthermore, there are other types of drugs, namely Remdesivir, which will come with 150 thousand pills through the import route this July and 1.2 million pills in August. The government plans to produce this drug domestically.

The next drug is Actemra, which will come with 1,000 vials this month in Indonesia and 138 thousand vials in August. "We will also import 26 thousand Gamaras this July and 27 thousand in August", he concluded.

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