KEDIRI - The Pesantren Sub-district PPKM Task Force and the Kediri City Satpol PP were forced to stop a wedding ceremony at a hotel. This step was taken to prevent the spread of COVID.

The Head of Protocol and Communications for the Head of the City of Kediri, Herwin Zakiyah, said that the information on the wedding reception was received from the public.

"According to the SOP, the call center officers immediately forwarded the information to the Satpol PP and the PPKM Command Post in the Pesantren District," he said in Kediri, quoted from Antara, Saturday, July 24.

Secretary of the Pesantren District, Kediri City Hari Siswanto added that the PPKM Micro Task Force and the Kediri City Satpol PP went directly to the wedding location, providing education to the hotel and the owner of the celebration. The joint team then asked for the event to be accelerated and stopped.

"The committee has actually carried out this event according to health protocols. There is no buffet, keep your distance, wear masks, there are temperature checks. It's just that this event does not have permission from the Task Force, even when we counted, the number of visitors exceeded the rules, maximum 10 people " said Hari.

Hari added that the sub-district micro PPKM Task Force had actually reminded all residents, even hotel managers, only held marriage contracts.

"For now, please comply with the regulations. Meanwhile, it is enough for the marriage contract first, the reception will be held when conditions improve. Do not let the crowd at the party create a new cluster," he said.

In addition to taking action based on public complaints, the Kediri City Satpol PP together with the Micro PPKM Task Force also carry out routine patrols, both at hotels and in residential areas to socialize indiscriminate enforcement of the rules.

In the Minister of Home Affairs Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities for COVID-19 in the Java and Bali Regions, there are regulations regarding the temporary suspension of wedding reception activities. Sanctions for violating this rule can be in the form of revocation of business licenses for a while.

In the City of Kediri, as of July 23, 2021, there were 2,289 residents of the City of Kediri who had been confirmed positive for COVID-19. There are 484 people who are still being treated, 1,585 people have recovered and 220 people have died.

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