JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said a memorandum of understanding (MoU) or a memorandum of understanding between the anti-corruption commission of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) will be finalized soon.

This was conveyed by him after meeting the Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar at the BNPT Office on Thursday, July 22.

"I met with the Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar. The KPK and BNPT will soon finalize an MoU related to public education," Firli said in a written statement quoted on Friday, July 23.

The MoU or memorandum of understanding contains cooperation between the KPK and BNPT to educate the public regarding character education. This serves to prevent radicalism, to foster an anti-corruption culture.

"KPK and BNPT will soon finalize an MOU related to public education, especially character education to prevent radicalism, terrorism, and anti-corruption culture," said Firli.

This meeting was attended by other KPK officials, namely the Secretary General of the KPK Cahya Harefa, Deputy of the KPK Dikmas Wawan Wardiana, and the Director of Anti-Corruption Education and Training of the KPK Dian Novianti.

"We ask for the prayers of all Indonesian people so that this collaboration will be beneficial for the nation and the state," concluded the former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK.

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