DENPASAR - Social assistance matters for the community, especially when emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) are in the spotlight. Bali Governor Wayan Koster emphasized that his party had distributed social assistance for Balinese residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The total social assistance for the community that has been realized from January to July 2021 from the Ministry of Social Affairs is IDR 449 billion", said Koster in Denpasar, Bali, Wednesday, July 21.

Koster explained that the assistance provided to residents was the Village Fund Direct Assistance (BLTDD) from

The Ministry of Villages and Disadvantaged Regions amounted to more than IDR 160 billion, as well as Productive Assistance for Micro Enterprises (BPUM) from the Ministry of Cooperatives of IDR 287 billion.

There is also social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) or Food Social Assistance (BSP).

For the number of residents who were given as many as 144.303 Beneficiary Families (KPM), the amount of assistance was IDR 200.000 per month for a year.

"And it has been disbursed from January to July 2021 in the amount of more than IDR 163 billion through Bank BNI, BRI, and BTN. Residents who receive assistance must buy food needs at E-Warung determined by the Association of State Banks (Himbara). This assistance will be added again IDR 200.000 for 2 months, July and August", said the governor of Bali.

For assistance in the form of the Family Hope Program (PKH) provided to 92.832 Beneficiary Families (KPM).

The amount of assistance is IDR 1.500.000 to IDR 3.000.000 in one year. The Koster connection assistance has been disbursed until the third stage of more than IDR 162 billion.

Meanwhile, for Social Cash Assistance (BST) it was given to more than 103 thousand KPMs with a large amount of assistance

IDR 300.000 per month for a year in 2021. According to Koster, the budget has been disbursed from January to April 2021 of more than IDR 124 billion.

"In May and June, 2021 will be given to as many as 96.000 KPMs in the amount of IDR 600.000 will be disbursed at once in July 2021", he explained.

Then, for social assistance in the form of rice distributed by the Logistics Agency (Bulog), it was given to residents of more than 217.000 KPMs with 10 kg each. Rice package assistance was given to 3.000 residents outside the recipients of PKH, BST, and BPNT or BSP assistance of 5 kg each.

Furthermore, for Village Fund Direct Assistance (BLTDD) from the Ministry of Villages and Regions

Left behind with the number of recipients as many as 59.444 KPMs, the amount of assistance is IDR 300.000 in one year. The budget has been disbursed from January to July 2021.

"The total budget in 2021 is more than IDR 160 billion. The percentage of Village Fund realization for BLTDD in Bali Province is the highest in Indonesia", he said.

Meanwhile, for Productive Micro Business Assistance (BPUM) from the Ministry of Cooperatives, the number of recipient business units is 239.469 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The amount of assistance is IDR 1.200.000 in 2021.

"With a total budget of more than IDR 287 billion, until July, 76.57 percent of the total recipient MSMEs have been disbursed", he said.

In addition, Governor Koster appealed to the public to accept and understand the government's policy of implementing the Emergency PPKM which was burdensome to the community.

"This is a policy choice that must be made, there is no other choice to prevent the transmission of the new variant of COVID, which is very fast in transmission, for the sake of public health and the safety of the country", he said.

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