BATAM - The Batam City COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) reported that an additional 569 residents had recovered from COVID-19. The total number of residents who recovered from the initial case until Wednesday, July 21 was 16.759 people.

Based on records, the addition of residents who recovered in a day was the highest since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meanwhile, the additional number of residents who tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday was 262 people. The total is 20.364 recovered cases.

The number of additional positive COVID-19 residents has decreased relative to the previous day which reached 419 people.

In the report distributed by the Batam City COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson, Azril Apriansyah, it was stated that of the 262 new cases, 181 of them were symptomatic confirmations, 68 were asymptomatic, 11 confirmed contacts, and two confirmed no travel history or close contacts.

An additional six people died today, bringing the total to 470. That way, 3.135 people are still active with COVID-19. A total of 2.285 people are undergoing self-isolation, 226 people are isolated in hajj dormitories, one is isolated at Health Training Center (Bapelkes), and others are being treated at 15 referral hospitals.

"The death rate is 2,308 percent, the cure rate is 82.297 percent, and the active case rate is 15.395 percent", Azril said.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 has spread to the buffer islands. Of the three hinterland sub-districts, one of them has become a red zone, namely Behindpadang with 28 people still active with COVID-19.

The other two buffer sub-districts, Bulang and Galang, are pink zones with 12 and 18 people being treated. While on the main island, all sub-districts are red zones.

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