PONTIANAK - Indonesian Navy soldiers who are members of the search and rescue team (SAR) on Tuesday, July 20 found six passengers from dozens of missing ships in the waters of West Kalimantan.

Two of the six passengers were found alive while the other four died. Survivors named Aris (27) from Pontianak and Maulana (20) from Kakap River.

"Both of them are crew members of the KM Kawan Lama 999 ship, which the Indonesian Navy SAR team found safe, and they were immediately given first aid aboard KRI Kerambit-627", said Commander of Koarmada I, Rear Admiral TNI Abdul Rasyid, Antara, Tuesday evening.

Meanwhile, four victims who have died have been handed over to the Joint SAR Command Post for further identification.

Rear Admiral TNI Abdul Rasyid emphasized that his party would maximize the search and rescue of victims who might still be surviving in the middle of the sea.

"The Navy will maximize the search and rescue of victims in support of the joint SAR operations held by Basarnas. By mobilizing the potential of the Navy, both personnel and defense equipment, it will be maximized in humanitarian missions which is one of the implementations of the order of the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Yudo Margono to his staff", he explained.

The Indonesian Navy deployed two warships, namely KRI Usman Harun-359 and KRI Kerambit-627 to join the joint SAR team after receiving news of the sinking of the ship.

A few days later, KRI Clurit-641 went down to the search area to replace KRI Usman Harun-359, because the warship was assigned to continue the Sovereign Patrol Operation in border waters.

KRI Clurit-641 and KRI Kerambir-627 continued their search with the Patrol Vessel Kal Lemukutan, Kal Sambas, and a team from SAR Lantam XII Pontianak. The search and rescue operation was led by the Commander of Lantamal XII Pontianak, Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Andi Rukman.

Not only warships, but the Indonesian Navy also deployed two maritime patrol aircraft, namely the CN235 P-8305 and Casa P-8203. Both have reconnaissance capabilities in the maritime area so that they are useful in the search process, said the Commander of the Koarmada I.

A total of 17 motorboats, consisting of 14 fishing boats, two tug boats, and one yacht were lost in the waters around West Kalimantan, due to bad weather in the Natuna Sea to the Karimata Islands, Wednesday-Thursday last week.

At least 138 passengers were reported aboard the 17 missing ships.

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