PEKANBARU - A limousine bull weighing 891.55 kg belonging to a farmer from Bengkalis Regency for Rp. 93.5 million was chosen to be President Joko Widodo's sacrificial cow in Riau. This cow will be slaughtered at the Great Mosque of Annur Pekanbaru.

"To find President Jokowi's sacrificial cows, we accompanied a team from the central government through the Ministry of Agriculture and the selected cattle belonged to local farmers," said Head of the Riau Province Livestock and Animal Health Service (PKH), Rahmat Setiyawan, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 19. .

He said the presidential sacrificial cattle from Bengkalis Regency breeders belonged to Hasan Basri, a farmer from Kelapa Pati Village, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency.

The cow, he said, is now at the Anur Grand Mosque, Riau Province in Pekanbaru and then the cow will be slaughtered by the local sacrificial committee.

"This Monday afternoon, the cow has been handed over to the sacrificial committee of the Great Mosque of Anur," he said.

Rahmat added, in 2020 President Jokowi's sacrificial cow weighs 897 kg, a cross between Brahman and Angus cattle for IDR 68 million. The President's sacrificial cow was also slaughtered at the Great Mosque of Annur.

"In 2020, President Jokowi's sacrificial cow during slaughter was witnessed by the Governor of Riau, Pak Syamsuar," he said.

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