JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for the Economy who is also the head of the COVID-19 handling and national economic recovery (PEN) team, Airlangga Hartarto, asked ulama, habaib, and kiai in all corners of the country to help convince people about the benefits of vaccination.

Airlangga's request was conveyed while attending the Istighasah and Sholawat Nariyah held by the Ahlul Hidayah Assembly (AH Council) led by KH Nusron Wahid, Sunday night.

When giving his speech, the chairman of the Golkar Party revealed that according to the results of the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) Survey, there were 36.5 percent of the public who believed in the COVID-19 vaccine.

On that basis, Airlangga hopes that the ulama, habaib and kiai will provide enlightenment to all people, considering that vaccines are one of the most effective ways to prevent the risk of exposure to COVID-19.

"We hope that habaib, clerics and religious leaders help outreach to the community, the only way to prevent COVID is vaccination. Although it does not guarantee that you will not get infected, but if you have been vaccinated you can recover and the risk is not too dangerous," said Airlangga in front of thousands of worshipers present virtually.

The government, said Airlangga, cannot work alone in dealing with COVID-19. In addition to mutual cooperation between communities, the discipline of carrying out the COVID-19 health protocol must also continue to be campaigned.

"The government cannot work alone, the key is discipline and community togetherness in dealing with this pandemic," he said in a press release.

He revealed that currently, the government has secured 421 million vaccines by the end of the year. For the next 3 days, Airlangga added, the government has ensured that 60 million people have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

"The government continues to work hard for the Covid pandemic, this pandemic is experienced by 111 countries, especially with the increase in the Delta variant," he said.

Airlangga also asked the kiai, habib, and ulema to support the policy of the Implementation of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

This policy is solely an effort by the government to suppress the surge in the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Indonesia.

"The government requests that this PPKM continue to be encouraged by kiai, habaib, ulama, and the key is, of course, community discipline in using masks, keeping distance, washing hands. This is a health program that suppresses community mobility outside the home," said Airlangga.

In particular, Airlangga also said that the ulama, habaib, and kiai also helped explain that the government's recommendations were in the red zone during the Eid al-Adha celebration.

The former Minister of Industry also said that according to the provisions of the Minister of Religion, Airlangga explained that Eid prayers in the red zone were carried out in their respective homes and slaughtering animals were carried out at slaughterhouses.

"It's solely to reduce crowds, if the RPH is full, it should be cut in the open. Only officers and victim committees with strict protocols must be avoided, distribution should be delivered to residents' homes directly," explained Airlangga.

Airlangga also thanked the habaib, ulama and kiai for taking the time to pray for the country of Indonesia to be free from the COVID-19 pandemic.

He admitted that a prayer event like the AH Assembly was very beneficial for the whole community.

"Hopefully the Indonesian people are protected and avoided from disease. The community and the government become a baldatun thoyyibatun wa rarobbun ghofur country," said Airlangga to the AH Assembly congregation.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the AH Assembly, KH Nusron Wahid, revealed the meaning of the name Ahlul Hidayah Council is a group of people who get instructions.

The AH Assembly was also formed to pray for Airlangga Hartarto to be given strength in carrying out his duties as Chair of PCPEN and a higher mandate.

"Hopefully we will be given health awareness, so that we are protected, instructions so that together with the government to support and pray for the government and Airlangga as the person in charge of PCPEN. The goal is for Indonesia to recover, people to carry out activities as usual," said the former Ketum GP Ansor.

The event with the theme of the Covid-19 Storm "Surely Passes: Healthy Indonesia, Rising Economy" was attended by 33 clerics, habaib and kiai khos.

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