JAKARTA - Exercise for COVID-19 self-isolation patients is one of the recommended activities when undergoing treatment at home.
Doctor Amien Suharti who is a member of the Indonesian Large Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PB PERDOSRI) shared examples of light exercise movements for COVID-19 patients during their isolation period.
“Physical activity and sport need to be distinguished. Like sweeping the house does not include exercise, so exercise for self-isolated patients that can be done is a movement that can be measured. For example, it's like walking inside the house, it goes back and forth for 15 minutes", said doctor Amien in a webinar entitled 'Independent isolation management at home, the role of nutrition, vitamin supplements, minerals, herbs, and breathing exercises', quoted by Antara, Saturday, July 17.
It should be emphasized that sports activities should only be carried out by asymptomatic patients and patients who have a saturation level above 95 percent. Besides that, only light exercise is allowed.
Other light exercise movements that can be done by self-isolated patients are doing standing squats or they can also do squats every 30 seconds.
If the self-isolating patient previously had routine exercise before being exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is more advisable to keep training his body condition so that he can maintain his body health.
“For those with symptoms, shortness of breath or saturation below 95 percent, it is not recommended to do excessive activities, especially activities that require more breathing. Not be forced. However, if there are no symptoms, then the saturation is above 95 percent of course it is safe to exercise so you don't just lie down even at home", said the doctor who practices at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) Depok.
Checking using an oximeter should also be carried out by the patient so that they can ensure that the oxygen in their body is maintained and the body can get its needs and function properly.
Pulse monitoring also needs to be considered so that the body does not work excessively and is still able to do its work against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that infects the body.
Light exercise is a recommended activity and in a recent study on COVID-19 patients, light exercise has been shown to help the body fight COVID-19 disease.
In addition to maintaining physical health, mental health is also one of the main factors that must be considered by self-isolated patients along with balancing nutritional intake through healthy food and adequate rest.
A few tips for maintaining mental health while doing self-isolation, patients can contact family, friends, or relatives virtually to get positive support and can choose to take a break from activities on social media or virtual media.
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