DKI Provincial Government Removes Vehicle Tax Sanctions And Special Transfer Fees Due During Emergency PPKM

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has issued a policy to abolish administrative sanctions for motor vehicle taxes (PKB) and transfer fees for motorized vehicles (BBN-KB), but only for a certain period.

This is stated in the Decree of the Head of the DKI Regional Revenue Agency No. 1012 of 2021. Based on this decision, the abolition of sanctions is given to taxpayers who have not paid PKB and outstanding BBN-KB whose payment is due from July 3, 2021 to July 20, 2021.

"Vehicles entitled to the removal of sanctions are vehicles with PKB and BBN-KB maturing during the implementation of the Emergency PPKM, namely vehicles due on July 3 to July 20, 2021," said Plt. Head of the DKI Regional Revenue Agency Lusiana Herawati in her statement, Thursday, July 15.

For residents who own vehicles with PKB and BBN-KB maturing during Emergency PPKM, the DKI Provincial Government has set a deadline for paying the principal tax payments until August 20.

"The maximum payment deadline is on August 20, 2021. If you pass this time limit, the sanctions will reappear," said Lusiana.

Lusiana said that the abolition of tax administration sanctions was carried out based on certain considerations for social and humanitarian interests and a stimulus to taxpayers.

In addition, it is also carried out to increase awareness and compliance of taxpayers in terms of orderly payment administration.

The provision of services for eliminating administrative sanctions is carried out at the motorized tax collection service unit offices, Samsat outlets, sub-district Samsat, mobile Samsat, and payments through ATMs.

"The abolition of administrative sanctions is carried out by making adjustments to the PKB and BBN-KB management information systems," he said.

For taxpayers who want to take advantage of the PKB and BBN-KB administrative sanctions abolition program, they can print a payment obligation assessment letter (SKKP).

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