BANDUNG - The Governor of West Java (Jabar) M Ridwan Kamil or Kang Emil revealed that until the ninth day of Emergency PPKM in West Java, the mobility of residents fell in the range of 10 to 20 percent or the red category.

"The majority are in the red category, with a little black, meaning that in general it is quite good," said Kang Emil, in Bandung, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 13.

In the Emergency PPKM, the central government scientifically divides the category of reduced mobility into four color zones.

For a decrease in mobility below 10 percent, it is in the black category. Red for 10-20 percent, yellow for 20-30 percent and green above 30 percent.

Ridwan Kamil has not been able to conclude the exact position of the percentage decline in mobility because it is still volatile or changes every day.

"It can't be concluded because it fluctuates. Yesterday it went down, the next day it went up, but what is certain is that the mobility of residents has decreased in the range of 10-20 percent," he said.

Kang Emil believes that the target for decreasing the curve of active COVID-19 cases will be felt in the second week of the emergency PPKM.

"The target of decreasing the active case curve, I think next week the results will be felt," he said.

Meanwhile, in terms of the occupancy rate of patient care rooms in hospitals or the Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) in West Java, it has been seen to decrease. Kang Emil said that from 91 percent, West Java's BOR has now dropped to 88 percent.

"Right now, the BOR for hospitals in West Java has dropped from a peak of 91 percent to 88 percent. Hopefully, the decline in BOR is in line with the evaluation of emergency PPKM which reduces mobility," he said.

There are also 70 thousand active cases in West Java, 20 thousand of whom are hospitalized. While 50 thousand are self-isolated patients.

"That's why we have a free treatment program, almost 12,000 isoman patients have asked for medicine and we will facilitate it," said Kang Emil.

In terms of law enforcement, according to the rules, the West Java Provincial Government applies two sanctions for violators of the emergency PPKM. Namely administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions instead of confinement.

Kang Emil revealed that so far administrative sanctions have been given to more than 5,000 individuals and 131 places of business.

"The administrative sanctions are in the form of verbal and written warnings," he said.

Then criminal sanctions in the form of fines have been given to more than 1,000 individuals and 200 formal businesses.

"There are 1,000 criminal sanctions in the form of fines for individuals and 200 for formal businesses. This means that the number is quite large and we are actually not happy. Hopefully, everyone can be more disciplined and we will succeed in reducing cases," he said.

The effectiveness of the emergency PPKM in West Java was appreciated by the Java-Bali Emergency PPKM coordinator as well as the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

From his evaluation, West Java has been quite good at suppressing the mobility of residents by 15.4 percent.

"The implementation of Emergency PPKM in West Java is quite good, it can reduce 15.4 percent of mobility," said Luhut.

The downward trend in mobility in West Java seen from Google Traffic is at minus 26.5 percent. Meanwhile, Facebook Mobility is minus 21.5 percent and night light is minus 4.2 percent.

"Google Traffic is good minus 26.5 but the night light is minus 4.2. This means that the industry is still running," said Luhut.

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