JAKARTA - The police found documents from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) network of the perpetrators of the attack on the Daha Selatan Sector Police Headquarters, South Kalimantan on Monday, June 1, at 2:15 WITA.

Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Regional Police, Kombes M. Rifa'i, said the documents were found when his party searched an anonymous man. From there, documents relating to ISIS were obtained.

"Based on the evidence that leads there (ISIS Network, red)," Rifa'i told VOI, Monday, June 1.

The documents in question, he continued, were ISIS group identification cards, threat letters and ISIS flags. Some of these items were stored in the waist bag used by the perpetrator.

However, to further ensure the link between the perpetrator and ISIS, his party is currently conducting an intensive examination. "Of course it must be traced first whether the person concerned is really an ISIS sympathizer," said Rifa'i.

As for the attack carried out by the perpetrators, one member of the South Kalimantan Police, Brigadier Djoman Sahat Manik Raja, was seriously injured, and Brigadier Leonardo Latupapua, who was an SPKT Officer for the South Daha Police, South Kalimantan, died.

He explained that based on the examination of a number of witnesses at the scene of the incident, the suspected terrorist had hidden in a room at the Daha Selatan Police.

"The unidentified person (the suspected terrorist) is hiding in the room of the police's criminal officer unit," said Rifa'i.

In fact, before going into hiding, the suspected terrorist also tried to attack several other police officers. Luckily, they were able to save themselves.

Until finally, reinforcements arrived and the arrest process took place. However, this suspected terrorist did not want to surrender and continued to fight back. The police decided to take decisive action by shooting him.

"The unknown person (the suspected terrorist) did not want to give up, so a firm and measured action was taken," said Rifa'i.

Terrorist trained

Terrorism Observer at the University of Indonesia Ridlwan Habib suspected that the unknown person was a trained terrorist. In fact, this attack was well planned and was not a solo move either.

"This is a trained and coordinated terrorism attack, not a lone wolf," Ridlwan said.

This attack was carried out in response to calls or orders from other ISIS groups to take action. The goal is to address their group existence.

"Analysts have predicted this will happen, especially after there was an official call from central Isis three days ago," Ridlwan concluded.

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