JAKARTA - Political observer who is also the Executive Director of Indo Barometer Muhammad Qodari believes that the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government is still very strong because it is supported by many parties.

"The insistence that Joko Widodo resign from the position of President is considered only an opinion built on social media," said Qodari in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, July 11.

He assesses the reality on the ground that the Jokowi administration is still very strong. Therefore, the public is asked not to be fixated on the discourse on social media, because it is easy to play.

Qodari said Indonesian politics are at two levels. First, the elite level which until now the composition of the parties supporting the government has not changed. There is the PDI-P, Golkar, PKB, NasDem, Perindo, Hanura, PPP, PSI, PKPI, and PBB. In fact, the Gerindra Party solidly supports the government.

For the opposition groups, there are the Democratic Party and PKS. PAN does not openly support the government. But Qodari reads that the General Chairman of PAN, Zulkifli Hasan, tends to side with the government. On that basis, the current government is considered to be still very strong.

"Not to mention if we talk about strategic groups such as the TNI and Polri, I see they are still very solid," said Qodari.

At the community level, public satisfaction with Jokowi is still high. The results of the Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) survey released in mid-June stated that 75.6 percent of residents were satisfied with Jokowi's performance.

Then the results of the Indonesian Political Indicators survey released in April, the level of satisfaction with Jokowi's performance was at 64 percent.

According to him, criticism usually arises when there is a problem. Moreover, Indonesia is currently facing a difficult situation against COVID-19 where new cases and death rates continue to rise and also undermine the economy.

"All national powers, both within the government and in the opposition, should support each other when there are problems, especially overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

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