JAKARTA - Indonesia is back with the arrival of the COVID-19 vaccine from abroad today. This time, the vaccine that came was the Moderna type from the United States.

The Moderna brand vaccine that arrived at Soekarno Hatta Airport this afternoon was the first time. Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said there were 3.000.060 million doses of Moderna vaccine that arrived today.

"Today, Indonesia has received 3.000.060 doses of modern vaccines. International cooperation support from the United States government through the COVAX Facility multilateral channel", said Retno in a virtual press conference, Sunday, July 11.

Retno said that the MRNA-based Moderna vaccine had received an emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) on July 2, 2021.

Retno continued, the US Minister of Foreign Affairs and the United States National Security Advisor, their countries are committed to providing dose sharing of vaccines to Indonesia totaling 4.500.160 doses.

"The dose sharing mechanism or vaccine sharing is part of a multilateral mechanism to ensure equal access to vaccines for all countries which are continuously discussed at COVAX Facility meetings", she explained.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs records, with the arrival of the Moderna vaccine today, Indonesia has secured 122.735.260 doses of vaccine, both in the form of bulk vaccines and ready-made vaccines.

In detail, there are currently 108.5 million doses of Sinovac brand vaccine, most of which are in the form of bulk vaccines. Then, AstraZeneca from the COVIAX Facility line is 8.236.800 doses.

Furthermore, Sinopharm 2 million doses of the finished vaccine, of which 500 thousand are supported by the UAE government.

"Then AstraZeneca supported bilateral dose sharing from Japan for 998.400 doses of the finished vaccine. Today, Moderna dose sharing in the United States through the COVAX Facility is 3.000.060 doses of the finished vaccine", continued Retno.

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