JAKARTA - Lawyer for drug abuse suspects Ardi Bakrie and Nia Ramadhani assessed that the actions and treatment of law enforcement officers to the husband and wife were excessive. The problem was that both of them were escorted by officers using weapons.
Ardi and Nia's attorney, Wa Ode Nur Zaenab, said that her party respected the legal process carried out by the Central Jakarta Metro Police. However, the roles of Ardi and Nia were judged only as drug consumers, so it was deemed unnecessary to use weapons to take action.
"It's just that we see it as too over, when in the media (officers) carry weapons, it seems excessive. He is a victim, they really are consumers, not dealers, there is no need to use weapons, especially if there are women, a mother," said Wa Ode at Central Jakarta Metro Police, Friday 9 July evening.

Wa Ode said that the married couple who have three children wanted to express their apology directly to the Indonesian people. However, the police are still conducting further investigations, as well as developing cases, including the suppliers of drugs consumed by Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie.
Wa Ode said they both regretted the incident and hoped that no one would try, let alone use drugs. "We see that in fact there are deep regrets from Mr. Ardi and Mrs. Nia. Because of this incident, he finally underwent a legal process, but God willing, there will be a big lesson," said Wa Ode.
Central Jakarta Metro Police on Thursday, July 8, named three suspects in the drug abuse case involving husband and wife Nia Ramadhani and Ardiansyah Bakrie. In addition to the two, the police also named the driver with the initials ZN as a suspect.
The police have arrested Nia Ramadhani, Ardi Bakrie, and a driver with the initials ZN who have been named suspects since Wednesday, July 7th. The evidence found by officers was one clip of methamphetamine weighing 0.78 grams and 1 bong of the suction device.
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