JAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Government recorded the number of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 on July 9, 2021, increasing by 1,665, bringing the total to 72,559 patients.

As reported by Antara, Friday, July 9, Spokesperson for the DIY Regional Government for Handling COVID-19 Berty Murtiningsih in a written statement in Yogyakarta, Friday, said that based on the area of domicile, the 1,665 positive patients were mostly from Yogyakarta City, 620 people, followed by Sleman with 415 people, Bantul Regency 283 people, Gunungkidul Regency 249 people, and Kulon Progo Regency 98 people.

Meanwhile, when referring to case histories, 1,411 patients were contact tracing positive cases, 11 cases were screened for health employees, 231 self-examinations, two trips outside the region, and 10 people had no information.

In addition to positive patients, Berty also stated that 902 additional patients had recovered, bringing the total number of recovered cases of COVID-19 in Yogyakarta to 54,221 people. Based on the area of domicile, the 902 recovered patients consisted of 325 people from Yogyakarta City, 293 people from Bantul Regency, 146 people from Gunung Kidul, 60 people from Kulon Progo, and 78 people from Sleman Regency.

In addition, Berty also recorded an additional 44 deaths, bringing the total number of deaths in Yogyakarta to 1,892 people.

Based on data from referral hospitals, the total cumulative suspected COVID-19 in DIY, as of Friday, was 51,661 people.

The total number of critical isolation beds available in DIY is 140 units, now 113 units are used (BOR 80.71 percent), while the available non-critical beds 1,333 have been used by 1,287 units (BOR 96.55 percent)

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