JAKARTA - The City Government of Batam, Riau Islands, has implemented the Enforcement of Restrictions on Emergency Community Activities (PPKM) starting Monday, July 12 in line with the increasing number of cases of COVID-19 transmission which continues to soar.

"We will only carry out, according to the order of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and the Minister of Home Affairs that Batam has been categorized as a red zone. Emergency PPKM must be carried out starting Monday", said Batam Mayor, Muhammad Rudi, as reported by Antara, Friday, July 9.

The implementation of the Emergency PPKM will be carried out for two weeks, to then be evaluated whether it needs an extension.

He said the main reason for implementing the Emergency PPKM was the spike in COVID-19 cases. On this day alone, 393 additional residents were exposed.

According to him, the implementation of Emergency PPKM in Batam is the same as that applied in Java and Bali, with regional partitions.

Unauthorized residents are prohibited from crossing in some areas. His party is still mapping out locations where traffic will be restricted.

He asked the public to understand the policy and implement it in an orderly manner.

"I hope the public can accept the implementation of the emergency PPKM. We want to end the virus that exists in humans in Batam. Because it is transmitted from human to human, the distance between humans must be maintained", he said.

In the implementation of the emergency PPKM, he emphasized that there should be no activities that gather the masses.

People are asked to stay at home if there is no urgent need.

"If you don't have any interests, you should stay at home", he said.

This provision also applies to all civil servants, because all of them will work to serve the community from home.

"The people of Batam, let's do this to maintain complete health. If COVID-19 dies, we will reopen", said the Mayor.

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