JAKARTA - Moscow, Tehran and Ankara welcomed the successful exchange of five Syrian servicemen for five Syrian militants that took place on July 2, said a joint statement by Russia, Iran and Turkey, adopted after the 16th Astana Format meeting in Syria.

"(We) welcome the success of the joint release of detainees on July 2, within the framework of the Working Group on the Release of Detainees / Victims of Kidnapping, Delivery of Bodies and Identification of Missing Persons," read a joint statement from the three countries, quoting TASS, Thursday, July 8

All noted, the operation underscores the willingness of the parties in Syria to strengthen mutual trust with the help of Astana's guarantors. The operation also reaffirms the determination of the Astana guarantors to enhance and expand their cooperation within the Working Group."

The exchange took place near the Al-Bab settlement, Aleppo Province, in the fifth project of the Working Group, which operates in the Astana Format with assistance from Turkey, Russia, Iran and the United Nations.

Both Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed to continue to cooperate in fighting terrorism, condemning the increasing terrorist activity in various regions in Syria, said the representatives of the three guarantor countries after the 16th international meeting on Syria in Astana format, Thursday, July 8.

militer rusia
Illustration of the Russian military in Syria. (Wikimedia Commons/Mil.ru/Министерство обороны оссийской едерации)

"Expressed our determination to continue to work together to fight terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, against the separatist agenda aimed at undermining Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and threatening the national security of neighboring countries," the statement said.

"Condemns the increasing terrorist activity in various parts of Syria that has resulted in the loss of innocent lives, including attacks targeting civilian facilities," the statement continued.

Russia, Iran and Turkey also agreed to continue their cooperation to ultimately eliminate the ISIS terrorist group, Jabhat al-Nusra/Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (all banned in Russia) and all other individuals, groups, businesses and entities.

This includes Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia) and other terrorist groups, as defined by the UN Security Council, while ensuring the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure in accordance with international humanitarian law.

"Expressed serious concern with the increasing presence and activity of terrorist Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other affiliated terrorist groups, as designated by the UN Security Council that pose a threat to civilians inside and outside the Idlib de-escalation area," the document said.

Separately, Russian Presidential Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev after the 16th Astana Format meeting said the war against terror groups in Syria must continue without pause, until it is completely finished.

"There should be no purge of terrorists, no rebranding into 'moderate opposition'. The war against terror groups must continue until it is completely destroyed. There must be no pause in this area," he stressed.

He added that the joint statement of the three countries showed their rejection of the presence of various terror groups in Syria.

"We do not accept that. This is a clear position, not only from Russia and other guarantor countries, but also from the anti-Daesh coalition," he concluded.

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