JAKARTA - The Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, explained that the "One Indonesia Data" program requires collaboration and synergy of various agencies to realize an Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) for clean, effective, efficient, transparent governance and accountable.

"One Data Indonesia is intended to create Government Data Governance with the aim of realizing data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, accountable, easily accessible and shared among stakeholders," said Suharso in a press release, quoted Thursday, July 8.

"All efforts in One Data Indonesia, the key is collaboration and synergy from all stakeholders at the Central and Regional Government levels, as well as overseeing its implementation nationally by the public," said Minister Suharso who is also the General Chair of the United Development Party (PPP).

One Data Indonesia also encourages the implementation of data accessibility between government agencies and encourages transparency and accountability within the government itself, thus enabling the creation of more targeted policies and improving public services.

The implementation of intensive data analysis requires the use of the latest and most sophisticated technologies, such as cloud-based solutions developed by private parties.

He said, as Chairman of the Steering Committee for One Data Indonesia, Bappenas is tasked with coordinating the implementation of One Data Indonesia so that data does not overlap and its integrity and metadata are maintained at both the central and regional government levels.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, Suharso Monoarfa also reminded the importance of the role of data in policy formulation to accelerate the National Economic Recovery. The data is expected to be the basis for planning, implementing, evaluating, and controlling development, for example when discussing poverty data related to statistical data on the distribution, depth, and severity of poverty.

"With One Indonesia Data, we hope to be able to analyze the spatial data, where it is distributed, how the interactions between regions are. We can also link the statistical and spatial data analysis with state financial data, both APBN and APBD data," he said.

He added that all types of data, namely statistical data, spatial data, state financial data, and Big Data are expected to be provided on the Satu Data Indonesia portal.

Director General of Dukcapil Prof. Dr. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, emphasized the importance of the One Data Indonesia program because the population data they manage represent demographic dynamics and trends that play an important role as a foundation for the government in policy making.

"Population data is important for national development planning, public services, budget allocation, law enforcement and must be protected for the sake of the nation's data sovereignty. Efforts towards realizing data integration as stated in the One Data Indonesia policy will become the basis for Indonesia's digital transformation in all sectors and levels. , including at the government level," he said.

He explained that Dukcapil population data is also connected to business sectors such as e-commerce, insurance, banking, capital markets, telecommunications, and education that require user identity verification through cross-checking with databases.

"Besides that, we also need skilled human resources in using the latest technology, therefore collaboration on the transfer of ICT knowledge from several global institutions such as the World Bank, Huawei, Unicef and others is needed so that we are not left behind technologically compared to other countries. and can implement e-government systems with the best and most advanced systems," said Zudan.

Suharso Monoarfa emphasized the importance of synergy and collaboration between various agencies to realize the One Data Indonesia program.

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