SIDOARJO - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked the public to reduce mobility during the implementation of the emergency community activity restriction (PPKM) until July 20.

"According to the united zoning data against COVID-19, there are 20 regencies in East Java that are in the red category and 18 are in the orange zone", said Khofifah, while reviewing PPKM in Sawotratap Village, Sidoarjo Regency, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 7.

Khofifah said, with the zoning, it shows a warning because it is a high risk.

"Last week there was one yellow zone in Probolinggo Regency, and yesterday it was already orange. This means that we warn all of the high risk 20 regencies/cities, moderate risk in 18 regencies/cities", she continued.

Khofifah said, in accordance with 15 indicators from epidemiology, it is necessary to stay at home unless there are critical and essential sector tasks.

"We want to invite the people of East Java to come back according to unity against COVID-19", she said.

Khofifah told the public for the time being to refrain from leaving the house for good, safety, take care of yourself, family, and nation.

The Governor of East Java also appealed to the public to pay attention to aspects of mutual safety, for the common good and protection.

"Let's together take care of ourselves, families, and the whole community by complying with the 5M health protocol, especially for areas that are in the red zone", she said.

Meanwhile, Pangdam V/Brawijaya Major General National Armed Force (TNI) Suharyanto explained, Saworatap Village, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, where dozens of residents in two neighborhoods unit were exposed to COVID-19 already understood the handling mechanism at the emergency PPKM post.

"The steps are correct that the synergy from the village head, by the Village Advisory Officer (babinsa), Trustees of Community Security and Order (babinkamtibmas), and village midwives have been very good in dealing with exposed residents. They are not immediately taken to the hospital, but self-isolation is carried out in their respective homes", she said.

She appealed not to let the mobility of residents get out of control. Then also make sure there are no crowds.

"If there are people who gather, immediately dispersed", she said.

Meanwhile, the East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta emphasized the reporting system for exposed residents and the handling control carried out by the regent, the police chief, and the Military District Commander (Dandim) as well as related agencies to continue to coordinate regarding the addition of the number of cases.

"There is a BLC application or Bersatu Lawan COVID-19, to report villages so that they are reported with their activities. Make sure the condition of the self-isolation is monitored through the WA group. Directly monitored every day through the group when reported, so that there is a connection between the government and the postal officer if There are problems that need to be resolved properly", she said.

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